These books have been written and designed by Everyman Foundation to help the families of prisoners better survive the absence of their loved one and to develop personal growth.

These books and booklets are available free of charge to the immediate family, friends and loved ones of prisoners.

These books are designed with the specific purpose of helping families better survive the absence of their loved one, use the period of independence to develop strong personal growth and overcome any sense of shame that comes with having their loved one incarerated.


If you are the family member, friend or loved one of someone who is incarcerated and you would like one of the books for yourself, please click this link and provide the following details:

Your name and address as well as the Name, Inmate Number and Facility Address of the prisoner you are connected with.

If you do not wish to use email, please address all correspondence to:

  Book Requests
  244 5th Ave
  Box 2360
  New York, NY 10001
  United States of America

Books will shipped in the order requests are received as Everyman resources allow.

DAD'S BOOK OF PRAYER (Also available as Mom's Book of Prayer)
Author: Gerald Henry

This illustrated book of dailly prayers has been redesigned to be read each night, at home, by the family of the incarcertated parent. It forms a loving daily bond between both the parents and their children. It maintains the presence of the incarcertated parent in the home in a way that encourages a sense of oneness and peace. They daily prayers are as follows:

—A prayer for help
—A prayer of promises
—A prayer for comfort
—A prayer of faith
—A prayer for Mom
—A prayer for blessings
—A prayer of thanks

DAD'S LESSONS FOR LIFE (Also available as Mom's Lessons for Life)
Author: Gerald Henry

This series of lesson is designed to be sent from the prisoner to his or her children. They can be used to create a profound connection and interaction between parent and child and include a reward program that encourages the child to want to complete the lessons and get them back to the incarcerated parent for review and marking.

Lessons cover such topics as:

•  Love
•  Courage
•  Contentment
•  Stillness
•  The Light Within
•  Integrity
•  Oneness

Other topics are currently being developed and will be added to the website as they are completed.

Author: Gerald Henry

This book is filled with love poems, stories and techniques loved ones can share with each other to ease the pain of separation and to create a sense of oneness and togetherness, even though physically apart.

For My Love

With a deep breath — I pray...

I pray that not only will our love endure
I pray that it will glow and grow
As strong as the noon day sun
Beating upon my back

I pray that it will remain as clear and pure
As the vast blue sky which envelops me

I pray that it will remain as free
As the breeze that my thoughts
Of love for you are floating upon

And most of all — I pray...

That it will glow and grow
And remain everlasting

Like the green grass and sustaining earth
Upon which I sit
And sing this song of love
To you

My Love...